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Chord Progressions in Popular Music

In this section we will look at chord progression from well known music and break them down to learn from

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You maybe asking yourself why would you want to break songs down and look at the chord progression. The following should provide the answer:

  1. Will help your understanding of Music Theory, but learn from real music not text books.
  2. Will help your compositional understanding and skill.
  3. Use it for ideas and concepts for your own song writing
  4. Will help your ear training develop as you begin to recognise common patterns.
  5. Will make it quicker to learn new material.

Back in Black AC/DC

Intro & Verse

Back in Black, a classic rock song so what are the chords and the theory behind them

E  - D - A

IV - IV - I


A E B A-B x 2

G D A G-A x 2

A E B A-B x 2

