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Tom Hess

Andrea Basiola

Colin Cartmell

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Internet Guitar Lessons

Professional Lessons

At Affordable Prices

Iteach Music Limited is currently developing other web sites to teach Bass, Keyboards, Vocals online as well. Register with us to be kept up to date with our company developments

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We can help you Learn To Play The Guitar

Lots of people would like to learn  the guitar, but for whatever reason they never get to grips with it.

The guitar is not the easiest instrument in the world to learn, it requires finger strength and a lot of hand co ordination particularly if you want to achieve a high level of ability. That's why its important to get it right from the beginning. You don’t want to learn bad habits that you then have to unlearn at a later date.

We can help you get it right, so that playing the guitar will become a life long skill.  Below are just some of things that we have on the website to help you get to grips with the guitar. We also have a facebook  / twitter / google plus page that we constantly up date with news / tips and helpfully informations

We have a growing list of free lessons to help you learn to paly the guitar.

For total beginners such how to tune your guitar and basic chord shapes all the way up to advanced techniques such sweep picking and alternate picking exercises.

All this completely free, will are constantly added new content so stay in touch with us, or if there is something you want covered drop us an email and we will do our best to cover it

learn to play the guitar

Free Guitar Lessons

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Imagine being taught by top players from all around the world from the comfort of your home.

Well now you can, if you would like to learn to play the guitar, get it right the first time with the right teachers.

Although all our teachers can play to a very high level ALL of them are available to teacher even beginners

Lessons are given over the Internet using Skype and webcams

One to One Lessons

Go to Teachers

We have a separate website that has a huge number of articles covering a variety of topics, all from top players and teachers. These articles are interactive so please feel free to engage with other readers and the article author.

If you are wanting to learn  the guitar, this is an invaluable source of information, tips and guidance.

Blog Articles

Check out the Blog

If you are after instructional material to help you learn  the guitar then we can help.

We have a growing list of media rich ebooks with built in video and audio files to help you get the skills an d knowledge down as quickly as possible.

We also have a range of software products and video lessons.

The Video lessons cover both technique as well as how to play well known songs in a note for note format  


Check out the Shop

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A new innovative service coming soon is the ability to sit in on a fully interactive Live Webinar from top players from all round the world.

Advanced tickets will be announced and from the comfort of your own home and even from your IPad you will be able to participate in a fully live online seminar.

The player and the seminar content will be announced in advance, register you details and get news as soon as its available

Master classes

Register for Webinar

In line with our passion and commitment to bringing you the

 best help and tuition available we also have the following to help you achieve your musical goals.

Learn to play the guitar

Other Stuff


With all the information on our website you can help but become a guitar player, so what are you waiting for? Join the growing numbers of people from all round the world that are learning the guitar the right way with us. Check out the FAQ to have your questions answered or contact us if you have a other questions not on the website

Learn to Play the Guitar