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The following is a 3 Note per string major scale fingering in C Major, this shape is moveable, the scale consists of the following notes:C D E F G A B C, and the scale formula is the following: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
The following is a 2 Note per string Minor Pentatonic scale fingering in A Minor, this shape is moveable, the Guitar scale consists of the following notes: A C D E G, and the scale formula is the following: 1 b3 4 5 b7
The following is a Blues scale fingering in A Minor, this shape is moveable, the scale consists of the following notes: A C D bE E G, and the scale formula is the following: 1 b3 4 #4 5 b7
Scales refer to a series of notes that can go in an ascending and descending manner. The major scale is the foundation from which all other scales are formed. A C major scale begins with a C and ends with a C, other scales in this section are the Minor Pentatonic Scales and the Blues Scale.
Whatever the scale being used, the scale will provide the basic musical material from which a piece of music is composed. This means that the melody, and harmony will all be related in some way to the scale being used.
The Major Scale is used in all forms of music from Rock to Classical, and forms the back bone to modern Music. Learning this scale is essential to any musician who wants to progress on his instrument.
Blues tends to use Major / Minor Pentatonic and the Blues Scale. The additional b5 note in the Pentatonic accentuates the melancholy feeling of the Blues scale.
The shaped below are moveable, that means that in order to change key all you do is relocate the pattern and the
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