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Syncopated Rhythms, Practice Ideas and Online Training Available

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If you can accurately play the following in time and at any tempo than congratulations you are well on your way to having great timing.

Aim to be able to play these rhythms with single notes as well as chords.

If you struggle with playing these then at the bottom of the page are some practice ideas.

Slow things down

First thing to remember is that if you cant play it slow you wont play it fast, so slowing things way down is the order of the day. Syncopated rhythms will be hard at first, but will consistent practice you will get them down.

A combined approach of learning to count the rhythms, using a metronome and learning to feel the rhythm over the beat and plenty of practice will bring the results you want.

Eventually you will begin to feel the Syncopated rhythms and timing much more instinctively, this has many benefits:

  1. Chord work can become more rhythmically interesting - throwing in some syncopated rhythms to a rhythm part will really spice things up
  2. Single note lines can use a greater range of rhythmic ideas, playing a constant stream of eighth or sixteen notes can be cool, but syncopated rhythms will really transform even the simplest musical idea.
  3. Learning songs becomes easier as you can quickly grasp the timings.
  4. Transcribing music and learning things by ear  will become easier.

These are huge benefits, but will take time to acquire so be patience and work slowing but surely to your goal of having great timing.