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Internet Guitar Lessons

Professional Lessons

At Affordable Prices

Iteach Music Limited is currently developing other web sites to teach Bass, Keyboards, Vocals online as well. Register with us to be kept up to date with our company developments

Pay as You Go Guitar Lessons Online

Pay for the area you are stuck on

No commitment to long term lessons

Can be any technique

Can be any style of music

Place a bid and accept the teacher that you like the most

Have you ever found yourself stuck on a particular technique or area of your playing?  

You don't necessarily want to sign up to lessons with a teacher but just need some help now and again.

We have a new service that can really help.

We are introducing a new “Unstuck Service” specifically for people who need help now and again for their playing.

How does is work?

Its very simple all you do is the following steps:

  1. Decide what you need help with
  2. Go to our Facebook page
  3. Like our page
  4. You can then send us an instant message via Facebook detailing what you need help with.
  5. Our panel of tutors will then come back with a price to help you and you decide which bid you like
  6. We send you a payment request and you can then proceed to have your lesson.

No commitment for lessons, everything is done on a pay as you go basis you get the help you need and away you go it couldn't be easier or simpler.

Take the first step now and log on to our Facebook page now and submit the problem you need help with.